First Evangelical Lutheran Church
415 Vine Street
Johnstown, PA 15901
Phone: 814-536-7521
Fax: 814-536-0855
email: firstlutheran@wpia.net
Brothers and sisters of Christ
called by the Holy Spirit
to share the Good News of salvation with all people.
Come Share the Spirit!

Our Mission
First Lutheran Church serves the Johnstown community from the heart of the city.
Our membership comes from every geographical, social and economic dimension of Greater Johnstown. This diversity both strengthens the church and provides leadership through a broad range of community interests. Above all else we are God’s people, responding to his call in Christ, dedicating our lives to Him.
As a faithful extension of the body of Christ, First Lutheran welcomes you to share the ministry of God's people.
Services of Word and Sacrament
Saturday at 5:00 p.m. in the Social Hall
Sunday Morning at 11:00 am in the Sanctuary.
The service is livestreamed on our Facebook page. You may also view a recording here on this website or on our YouTube channel.
Learning Ministry
​Sunday school is starting up in November- for more info, please call the church.
Women's Bible Study:
Every other Tuesday 6:30 p.m.